Bookies meaning in hindi

Understanding the Meaning of “Bookies” in Hindi Language

The term “bookies”, more commonly known as bookmakers, plays a significant role in the world of sports betting and gambling. As much as it has gained widespread recognition in Western societies, it is equally acknowledged within eastern cultures such as India. The understanding and usage of this word take on an interesting dimension when translated into Hindi, one of the most spoken languages in the country.

Translating ‘Bookie’ into Hindi

In Hindi, the term “bookie” translates to “सट्टेबाज”, pronounced as “Sattebaaz”. This translation carries all the connotations and semantics associated with its English counterpart. It implies someone who accepts bets on sporting events or races at odds that he/she sets based on statistical probabilities and potential outcomes.

The Role & Importance of Bookies (सट्टेबाज) in Indian Culture

Within Indian culture, सट्टेबाज (Sattebaaz or bookie) performs quite a crucial part especially when major cricket tournaments are witnessed like IPL (Indian Premiere League), World Cups etc., thereby enhancing its cultural relevance. Additionally, notorious links between bookies and certain branches of organized crime create intrigue around this profession, making it a popular subject for sensational news stories and cinematics alike.

  • क्रिकेट में सट्टा ईमानदारी को ख़तम कर देता है – This statement implies that “betting in cricket destroys honesty”. The presence of illegal bookie syndicates can indeed negatively impact integrity not only among players but also among avid fans.
  • क्रिकेट प्रेमी सभी उम्र के होते हैं – This phrase means “cricket lovers come from all age groups”. Given cricket’s popularity across all generations in India, both young and old people fall prey to engaging with bookies which enhances issues related to irresponsible gambling.

Note on Legalities relative to Bookies in India

A notable fact about the practice involving bookie meaning in Hindi (“Satta” or Betting) revolves around its legality status. In India, as per Public Gambling Act of 1867, any form of betting or speculation is broadly prohibited; hence theoretically speaking, operating as a सट्टेबाज might be considered illegal despite its rampant existence particularly during big cricketing seasons


To Summarise

Suffice to say that just like any spectrum dealing with money transactions ,the scene with ‘Bookie’ i.e., सट्टेबाज extends beyond pure translation from English to Hindi. Understanding what it really stands for requires deep insight into socio-cultural graph of Indian society where traditional norms meet modern influences by way of digital revolution – sports betting being one such arena.

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